April Meeting

Our next meeting will be Tuesday,
April 20th @ 7:00 PM

Presenter: German Eichberger
Speaking on: The Server Side Java Symposium Update

Sun Microsystems

>>>>> 9515 Towne Center Drive <<<<<
San Diego, CA 92121
From 805 exit west at La Jolla Village Dr.
North on Towne Centre Drive

Can you make it Poll

6:30 -

Equipment setup and mixer - Food provided by TBD

7:00 -

Meeting begins, announcements

7:10 -

Speaker: German Eichberger

7:50 -

Short Break

8:00 -

Speaker: German Eichberger

9:00 -

Drawings - final announcements Meeting Ends, tear down, mixer

9:30 -

Close the doors (really we have to get out!)

Speaker: German Eichberger

Title: The Server Side Java Symposium Update

Abstract:This presentation will summarize topics covered at "The Server Side Java Symposium Update" held in Las Vegas.

  • HTML 5 and the Semantic Web
      • The future of web frameworks
      • Java EE 6.0
      • JSF 2.0
      • Java FX
      • Spring 3.0
  • The Cloud
      • The Cloud Continuum
      • Elastic Data on the Cloud

German Eichberger, M.S., PMP, is a Software Engineer with HP Software working on software for license compliance and asset management. Previously, he worked for Sony Online Entertainment on highly scalable web sites for massive multiplayer online games; he researched at UCSD MRI segmentation, visualization and algorithms; led UCSD Extension's IT program; and was a project manager/technical architect at PricewaterhouseCoopers consulting unit.

Company Bio:Everyone knows HP

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