December Meeting

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Our next meeting will be Tuesday, December 20th.
Doors open @ 6:30 PM,
Meeting begins @ 7:00 PM

Presenter: Josh Long

Speaking on: The Spring Framework


>>>>> 4455 Morena Blvd. Suite 210 <<<<<
San Diego, CA 92117
From Highway 5 exit east at Balboa
North on Morena Blvd.

Can you make it Poll

6:30 -

Equipment setup and mixer - Food provided by Spring Source Training

7:00 -

Meeting begins, announcements

7:10 -

Speaker: Josh Long, Spring and Cloud Foundry, a Marriage Made in Heaven

7:50 -

Short Break

8:00 -

Speaker: Josh Long, Tailoring Spring for Custom Usage

9:00 -

Drawings - final announcements Meeting Ends, tear down, mixer

9:30 -

Official Stop but we can hang out for as long as the drinks continue or longer!

Speaker: Josh Long, Spring Developer Advocate

Title of first talk: Spring and Cloud Foundry, a Marriage Made in Heaven
Abstract: This talk will describe the Cloud Foundry Open PaaS (Platform as a Service), with its open source, multi-framework, multi-service, multi-cloud model, and will explain in depth how to use Cloud Foundry services effectively from Java/Spring applications. Cloud Foundry allows developers to provision apps in Java/Spring, Ruby/Rails, Ruby/Sinatra, Javascript/Node, and leverage services like MySQL, MongoDB, Reddis, Postgres and RabbitMQ. It can be used as a public PaaS and other service providers (ActiveState, AppFog), to create your own private cloud, or on your laptop using the Micro Cloud Foundry VM. We will describe the tools available for Spring application developers using Cloud Foundry: STS (Spring Tool Suite) Cloud Foundry Plugin, the Cloud Foundry Maven plugin or the vmc command line.

We will describe how Cloud Foundry exposes service information to applications, and the various options Spring app developers have to leverage these services:

  • using the auto-reconfiguration mechanism that allows using services without any modifications to the app
  • using the “cloud” namespace to have an explicit control over consuming servicescombining the profile support in Spring 3.1 with the “cloud” namespace to create applications that allow explicit control over services, while allowing applications to run locally or in Cloud Foundry without any change.
  • The talk will include demos of the Spring app development lifecycle with Cloud Foundry: local development with STS, local deployment to Micro Cloud Foundry for testing, deployment to

Title of second talk:Tailoring Spring for Custom Usage
Abstract: The motivation is to demonstrate how to use some of the numerous extensibility planes in the Spring framework to adapt the framework to your particular needs. Spring provides numerous SPIs for just this sort of thing. Need to handle batch processing against a custom source? Write a Spring Batch ItemSource. Want to listen for events in an external system? Write a Spring Integration adapter. Want to work with a new, transactional resource? Implement a PlatformTransactionManager. Want to render custom Spring MVC views? Implement the Spring MVC View. Want to talk to a custom RESTful endpoint? Implement an HttpMessageConverter. In this talk, Josh explores some of the powerful components that - while useful, were designed to be extended.

Bio: Josh Long is the Spring developer advocate, an editor on the Java queue for, and the lead author on several books, including Apress’ Spring Recipes, 2nd Edition. Josh has spoken at many different industry conferences internationally including TheServerSide Java Symposium, SpringOne, OSCON, JavaZone, Devoxx, Java2Days and many others. When he’s not hacking on code for SpringSource, he can be found at the local Java User Group or at the local coffee shop. Josh likes solutions that push the boundaries of the technologies that enable them. His interests include RIA, scalability, BPM, application integration, grid processing, mobile computing and so-called “smart” systems. He blogs at or

Company Bio: SpringSource offers a comprehensive suite of products for powering the entire build, run, manage enterprise Java application lifecycle. SpringSource is the custodian of the open source Spring frameworks, the most comprehensive solutions for solving today's challenges, in any environment.

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