January Meeting

Happy Holidays!

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Our next meeting will be Tuesday, January 17th.
Doors open @ 6:30 PM,
Meeting begins @ 7:00 PM

Presenter: James Ward

Speaking on: Running Java, Play! and Scala Apps on the Cloud


>>>>> 4455 Morena Blvd. Suite 210 <<<<<
San Diego, CA 92117
From Highway 5 exit east at Balboa
North on Morena Blvd.

Can you make it Poll

6:30 -

Equipment setup and mixer - Food provided by Heroku

7:00 -

Meeting begins, announcements

7:10 -

Speaker: James Ward, Developer Evangelist at Heroku

7:50 -

Short Break

8:00 -

Speaker: James Ward

9:00 -

Drawings - final announcements Meeting Ends, tear down, mixer

9:30 -

Official Stop but we can hang out for as long as the drinks continue or longer!

Speaker: James Ward, Developer Evangelist at Heroku

Title: Running Java, Play! and Scala Apps on the Cloud
Abstract: Heroku is a Polyglot Cloud Application Platform that makes it easy to deploy Java, Play! and Scala apps on the cloud. Deployment is as simple as doing a “git push”. This session will teach you how to instantly deploy and scale Java, Play! and Scala apps on Heroku.

Bio: James Ward is a Developer Evangelist at Heroku where he teaches developers how to deploy Java, Play! and Scala apps to the cloud. You can find him tweeting as @_JamesWard, answering questions on StackOverflow.com and posting code at github.com/jamesward.

Company Bio: Heroku is a cloud application platform – a new way of building and deploying web apps. Our service lets app developers spend 100% of their time on their application code, not managing servers, deployment, ongoing operations, or scaling.

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