April Meeting
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Our next meeting will be Tuesday, April 17th.
Doors open @ 6:30 PM,
Meeting begins @ 7:00 PM
Presenter: Matt Ingenthron
Speaking on: NoSQL and Developing with Couchbase
>>>>> 4455 Morena Blvd. Suite 210 <<<<<
San Diego, CA 92117
From Highway 5 exit east at Balboa
North on Morena Blvd.
6:30 - |
Equipment setup and mixer - Food provided by www.mogl.com | |
7:00 - |
Meeting begins, announcements | |
7:10 - |
Speaker: Matt Ingenthron | |
7:50 - |
Short Break | |
8:00 - |
Speaker: Matt Ingenthron |
9:00 - |
Drawings - final announcements Meeting Ends, tear down, mixer | |
9:30 - |
Official Stop but we can hang out for as long as the drinks continue or longer! |
Speaker: Matt Ingenthron
Title: NoSQL and Developing with Couchbase
Abstract:NoSQL has garnered tremendous attention in recent years as the basis of architectures for building large linearly scalable systems. There are a variety of NoSQL solutions for developers to choose from. As a document oriented database, Couchbase Server presents the user with a simple approach to storing and retrieving data across a cluster that handles replication, rebalancing and other inherent challenges associated with a distributed system.
Using Couchbase server as an example we will walk through some of the underpinnings of the NoSQL databases such as being able to adapt to a changing schema, working over a changing network topology and so on. Couchbase Server 2.0, Open Source under an Apache 2.0 license, has constantly updating map-reduce based views and an actively managed cache from building upon it's history with Apache CouchDB and memcached.
Attend this session for a very quick overview of NoSQL, the ecosystem and what it means to Java developers, architects and implementers. We will demonstrate with examples of how to use the Java APIs with liberal but simple code examples on Couchbase to drive home some of these concepts. We will also cover some real-life case studies from big social gaming applications.
Bio: Matt is an experienced web architect with a software development background. He has deep expertise in building, scaling and operating global-scale Java, Ruby on Rails and AMP web applications. He has been a maintainer of spymemcached and contributor to the memcached project, and a core developer on Couchbase. He is currently heading up Couchbase's work in getting the right bits needed for PHP, Java, .NET and Ruby developers (among others).
Blog: http://blogs.ingenthron.org/matt/
Twitter: @ingenthr