February Meeting

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Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 16, 2016.
Doors open @ 6:30 PM,
Meeting begins @ 7:00 PM

Speaker: Jack Frosch

Speaking On:
Java 8: Next Generation Java


>>>>> 9001 Spectrum Center Blvd. <<<<<
San Diego, CA 92123

Can you make it Poll

6:30 -

Equipment setup and mixer - Food Provided by: CSA Travel Protection

7:00 -

Meeting begins, announcements

7:15 -

Speaker: Jack Frosch

7:50 -

Short Break

8:00 -

Speaker: Jack Frosch

9:00 -

Drawings - final announcements Meeting Ends, tear down, mixer

9:30 -

Official Stop

Speaker: Jack Frosch Senior Agile Developer, Architect, Mentor, Trainer

Title: Java 8: Next Generation Java

Abstract: Just a few years ago, it looked like Java's best days were behind it. All the developer "trend setters" seemed to migrating to Ruby, Groovy, Scala, Clojure and even JavaScript. Many Java developers wondered if it was time for them to defect from the Java camp. Then came Java 8.

Java 8 introduced many enhancements including new command line tools, security enhancements, JavaFX changes, and more. It also introduce a new Date-Time API for making working with dates less tedious and error-prone. All of these are useful additions, but none are game changers.

In contrast, Java 8's new functional programming additions are truly game changers. New functional constructs added to the language include lambda expressions, streams, method references, default methods, and more. These dramatic new additions will inspire you to program in fluent and functional ways that will liberate you focus on implementing functionality rather than imperatively instructing the computer how to do things. For shifting to a functional style of programming, you'll be rewarded with cleaner, more maintainable code that you'll be passionate about writing.

This talk will highlight essential elements of these functional programming additions to Java 8. By the time you leave the talk, your mind will be racing with all the ways you can leverage these features to write cleaner code that's more fluent, less imperative, and more easily maintained - all without leaving the comfort of our newly invigorated Java language.

Speaker Bio: I'm a senior developer / architect working as an independent contractor. I'm passionate about problem solving and knowledge sharing. Toward this end, I founded and ran the Gateway JUG in St. Louis for 13 years.

I love to help architect software solutions, lead and mentor developers, and still love coding with Groovy, Grails, Spring and Java. I especially love what they've done with Java 8. I'm also pretty test infected and do TDD whenever possible.

Even after 19 years developing Java, 6+ years developing with Groovy and Grails, and 10+ years working with Spring, I still do a happy dance when I create something awesome using a new API or programming technique.

Lately, I've been developing microservices with Grails and recently presented on the topic at the national SpringOne2GX conference. I also try to sneak in some Android development when time permits.
As for development process, I'm a Certified ScrumMaster and have a strong preference for agile development over waterfall.

You can follow my goings on at Twitter: @jackfrosch.

My bio can be found online here: http://lanyrd.com/profile/jackfrosch/.

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