December Meeting

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Our next meeting will be Tuesday, December 19, 2017.
Doors open @ 6:30 PM,
Meeting begins @ 7:00 PM

Speaker: Andreas Grabner 
Speaking On:
DevOps in the Real World with a focus on Shift-Left Performance


>>>>> 9001 Spectrum Center Blvd. <<<<<
San Diego, CA 92123

Can you make it Poll (on Yahoo)

Can you make it Poll (on Facebook)

6:30 -

Equipment setup and mixer - Food Provided by: Dynatrace

7:00 -

Meeting begins, announcements

7:15 -

Speaker: Andreas Grabner 

7:45 -

Short Break

7:55 -

Speaker: Andreas Grabner 

9:00 -

Drawings - final announcements Meeting Ends, tear down, mixer

9:30 -

Official Stop

Speaker: Andreas Grabner 

Title: DevOps in the Real World with a focus on Shift-Left Performance

Abstract: While DevOps is a very overrate and misused marketing term we have many DevOps stories from around the world that prove that shared responsibility between Dev and Ops can work out really well. Andreas has been working with companies around the world and will give us insight on what we can learn from companies such as Verizon, Facebook, Sofico, PayPal and Co.

A key component of DevOps is open communication and feedback loops. Monitoring data is one source of these feedback loops. Most often however only done in Operations for firefighthing and root cause analysis. Andreas will discuss approaches of Shifting-Left Performance into the Continuous Delivery Pipeline to give earlier and faster performance, scalability and architectural feedback to developers, testers, architects and business.

The presentation will include some hands-on experience on how to bake monitoring into the DevOps Tool chain such as JIRA, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Git, HipChat, JMeter, … - there should be something for everyone that wants to learn some new tips&tricks on how to become more “DevOps’y” 

Speaker Bio: Andreas Grabner has been helping companies improve their application performance for 15+ years. He is a regular contributor within Web Performance and DevOps communities and a prolific speaker at user groups and conferences around the world. He started working as a tester on a load testing product in 2001. Since then his life is dedicated to quality and performance. 

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